Well, knowing that she loves to cook, I thought that she and I could try out this Mug Cake recipe that I had been emailed. (Thank you to the numerous people that emailed me a copy of this - you know who you are and you are sooooo in trouble!!!!!)
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
a small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.
What do they mean don't be alarmed??
Leisl and I got a good belly laugh out of it, she was more than a little tickled by the whole episode and happily sat down to eat it.
Isn't that typical, what we expected and what we ended up with were vastly different realities, despite our careful adherence to the instructions provided. Life's a bit like that too isn't it. We kind of have an expectation for how things are going to go, we carefully follow the instructions we've been given and what do you know the cup overflows and it gets kind of messy for a while but it's still good.
Worth the effort and so worth the belly laugh!!!
Enjoy, with Leisl, and my, blessings!
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