Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Do You See In Your Mirror???

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. --Lee Mildon

When you look in your mirror what do you see?

Do you notice your face or your hair or maybe how you look in your clothes? Maybe you are one of the very few who look in the mirror and think “I’m okay!” Let me tell you, you are a rare breed if that’s you.

Maybe you’re like me and kind of avoid seeing your reflection, even accidentally. Some days I feel perfectly happy and then I catch sight of myself and all sorts of things fly into my mind, making me think I’m not good enough. What happened? I started comparing myself with other’s expectations of what is “attractive”. What would it really be like to see yourself through other’s eyes? Would they even give a thought to your appearance? Or do they see you underneath. Are you judged before they get to know you, or are you seen for who you really are?

It’s been said, you wouldn’t worry about what other people think of you if you realised how seldom they did!

What matters most is what you think of yourself.

If you are struggling with that, consider: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I set you apart” Jeremiah 1:5. You are one of a kind! A Unique, living breathing, glorious creation. There is no duplicate of you in the world! You are truly original. Logic dictates that you have your own unique style, tastes, likes and dislikes….all the tiny little quirks that make you! Celebrate them, enjoy them. God made ‘you’, don’t spend your time and energy removing ‘you’ from your now much busier world of being a Mum. I encourage you to rediscover your style, the tastes, personality and activities that you enjoy. Then make the most of what you do have!

If someone compliments you on what you are wearing take notice of the design and colour and wear it again. I encourage you to try a few simple dressing pick me ups: for those times you want to feel feminine and attractive add a dab of perfume. Wear a soft scarf or even a bright one. Put on some lip gloss. Wear that nice underwear or delicate slip you have in your wardrobe for no special reason. Be comfortable, the discomfort of ill fitting clothing or shoes is never attractive! A smile is! Kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, purity and self-discipline are all admirable.

I pray you will allow yourself to BE the person you were made to be. And have some fun uncovering you! You are loved for exactly the person you are.

God Dress You

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